Smooth Transitions Myrtle Beach, LLC
Moving ServicesAssisted LivingBuilder ServicesCleaning ServicesConstruction & ContractorsFurniture & Interior DesignsHome Services/Improvements/RepairsHospice CareHurricane Preparedness & RestorationMold RemediationNew Home Community SalesReal EstateStorage
M-F 9:00 AM- 5:00 PM
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Please call to schedule a Free in home consultation
About Us
Smooth Transitions is a household downsizing and estate dispersal company serving Horry County and Brunswick County Areas. We Provide individual and their families the emotional and physical assistance needed while making a change in living arrangements. When It’s time to downsize, we help you decide what to keep making your new house a home. Smooth Transitions!
~We thoughtfully sort and decide what to keep, sell, donate or recycle
~We help get treasures to loved ones
~We organize and clear out the old home
~We work with Real Estate professionals to prepare the home for sale
~We work together to develop a personalized moving plan to meet your needs
~We completely unpack and set up the new home
~We reduce the cost of transitioning by: managing estate dispersal, maximizing deductible donations, recycling items that can’t be sold or donated, organizing and decluttering, managing the move completely, and providing estate inventories.
Video Media
- We thoughtfully sort and decide what to keep, sell, donate or recycle
- We organize and clear out the old home
- We work with Real Estate professionals to prepare the home for sale
- We work together to develop a personalized moving plan to meet your needs
- We completely unpack and set up the new home, including making the beds

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