Santee Cooper
UtilitiesElectricity & Gas
About Us
Flip a switch, and the light comes on. Plug in your computer, and get plugged in. Turn on the water, and it flows.
This is what Santee Cooper delivers, every day, as part of our mission to be the state’s leading resource for improving the quality of life for South Carolinians.
We also deliver the intangibles that people never see: Leadership. Vision. Environmental stewardship. And an economic environment enticing to new business. We deliver brighter tomorrows, today.
As South Carolina's largest power producer, its first to produce renewable Green Power, and its only state-owned electric and water utility, Santee Cooper is committed to:
-Providing low-cost, reliable energy, water and other essential services
-Providing excellent customer service
-Operating according to the highest ethical standards
-Maintaining a quality workforce
-Being a steward of the environment
-Being a leader in economic development
Electricity: The source of power for more than 2 million South Carolinians, Santee Cooper provides retail service to customers in Berkeley, Georgetown and Horry counties. We are the primary source of power distributed by the state's 20 electric cooperatives to all 46 counties in the state. Santee Cooper also supplies power directly to 29 large industrial customers in 10 counties, the town of Bamberg, the city of Georgetown and the Charleston Air Force Base.
Water: Santee Cooper operates two water systems, the Santee Cooper Regional Water System and the Lake Marion Regional Water System.