Networking at Noon and Ribbon Cutting: All Souls Metaphysical Chapel
Date and Time
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
Free For Members
$10 for Non-Members
Contact Information
Harrison Santangelo
Send Email
Join us for a Ribbon Cutting Celebration and Networking at Noon at All Souls Meta Physical Chapel!
This is a members-only leads group. Networking at Noon provides an opportunity for members to network in an encouraging environment. Members who attend Networking at Noon regularly stay visible with their colleagues and business peers, providing each other with numerous opportunities to refer business and grow strong, robust, professional relationships. Lunch and light refreshments will be provided!
All Souls Metaphysical Chapel
All Souls Metaphysical Chapel is an organization that nurtures Mind, Body and Spirit. In addition to our Sunday Services we offer classes, workshops and special events. We also have knowledgeable practitioners in an array of areas including but not limited to Reiki, Energy Work, Mediumship, Angel Card Readings, Automatic Writing and Pastoral Counseling that are available for individual appointments.